imcomplement - Complement image
imcomplement computes the complement image of im. In the output image imout, dark pixels become lighter and light pixels become darker.
Supported classes: BOOLEAN, INT8, UINT8, INT16, UINT16, INT32, DOUBLE.
im = [%F, %T]; imcomplement(im) im = uint8([0, 50, 100; 150, 200, 250]); imcomplement(im) im = int8([-100, -50, 0; 50, 100, 150]); imcomplement(im) im = [0, 0.2, 0.4; 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]; imcomplement(im)
imabsdiff, imadd, imsubtract, immultiply, imdivide, imlincomb,