immultiply - Multiply two images or multiply an image by an constant.
If im1 and im2 are images with the same size and same class, immultiply multiplies each element in im1 by the corresponding one in im2. If im2 is a double scalar, the element in imout is the product of the corresponding one in im1 with the double scalar. imout has the same size and class with im1.
If im1 is an integer matrix, the elements in the output matrix imout that exceed the range of the integer type will be truncated.
Supported classes: INT8, UINT8, INT16, UINT16, INT32, DOUBLE.
im1 = imread('lena.png'); im2 = imread('peppers.png'); ims1 = immultiply(im1, im2); ims2 = immultiply(im1, 0.6);
imabsdiff, imadd, imsubtract, imdivide, imcomplement, imlincomb,