- addframe - Add a frame to the video file. (experimental)
- aviclose - Close a video file. (experimental)
- avicloseall - Close all opened video files/cameras. (experimental)
- avifile - Create a new video file to write. (experimental)
- aviinfo - Get the information about video files. (experimental)
- avilistopened - Show all opened video files. (experimental)
- aviopen - Open a video file. (experimental)
- avireadframe - Grabs and returns a frame from a opened video file or camera (experimental)
- camopen - Open a camera. (experimental)
- camshift - Track an object by color. It gets the object position, size and orientation.
- corr2 - 2D correlation coefficient
- detectlefteyes - Find left eyes in the image.
- detectrighteyes - Find right eyes in the image.
- detectfaces - Find faces in the image.
- detectforeground - Background modeling and get foreground mask.
- edge - Find edges in a single channel image.
- filter2 - 2D digital filtering
- fspecial - Create some 2D special filters
- hsv2rgb - Convert a HSV image to the equivalent RGB image.
- im2bw - Convert image to binary
- im2double - Convert image to double precision
- im2int16 - Convert image to 16-bit signed integers
- im2int32 - Convert image to 32-bit signed integers
- im2int8 - Convert image to 8-bit signed integers
- im2uint16 - Convert image to 16-bit unsigned integers
- im2uint8 - Convert image to 8-bit unsigned integers
- imabsdiff - Calculate absolute difference of two images
- imadd - Add two images or add a constant to an image
- imcomplement - Complement image
- imcrop - Crop image
- imdivide - Divide two images or divide an image by an constant.
- imfilter - Image filtering
- imfinfo - Get the information about image file
- imhist - get the histogram of an image
- imlincomb - Linear combination of images
- immultiply - Multiply two images or multiply an image by an constant.
- imnoise - Add noise (gaussian, etc.) to an image
- impyramid - Image pyramid reduction and expansion
- imread - Reads image file
- imresize - Resizes image
- imshow - Displays images in graphic window
- imsubtract - Subtract two images or subtract a constant from an image
- imwrite - Write image to file
- ind2rgb - convert indexed image to true color image
- mat2gray - Convert matrix to grayscale image
- mean2 - Average/mean of matrix elements
- meanshift - Track an object by color.
- ntsc2rgb - Convert a NTSC image to the equivalent RGB image.
- rectangle - Draw a rectangle on image
- rgb2gray - Convert RGB images to gray images
- rgb2hsv - Convert a RGB image to the equivalent HSV image.
- rgb2ntsc - Convert a RGB image to the equivalent NTSC image YIQ.
- rgb2ycbcr - Convert a RGB image to the equivalent YCbCr image.
- std2 - Standard deviation of 2D matrix elements
- stdev2 - Standard deviation of 2D matrix elements
- xs2im - Convert graphics to an image matrix.
- ycbcr2rgb - Convert a YCbCr image to the equivalent RGB image.